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Welcome to our Resource Center

3 min read
Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation: the Next Steps in AML Technology

1 min read
Rethinking AML Compliance in the Age of Disruption

Shift your focus forward.
Money laundering and other financial crimes continue to create increased risk to the global financial system, and support...

1 min read
AML Conversations: Melissa Leeds – Combating Wildlife Trafficking

1 min read
AML Conversations: Kent Belasco - Director, Commercial Banking Program Marquette University

In this edition of AML Conversations, John sits down with Kent Belasco, Director of the Commercial Banking program at Marquette University, one of...

1 min read
October Employee Spotlight: Coletun Long

We are very excited to highlight a staff member each month from our team of superb employees.

3 min read
Understanding CTR Exemptions and their Practicality

Financial Institutions (FI) file Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs) which enable law enforcement to monitor and investigate potentially suspicious...

1 min read
September Employee Spotlight: Bill French

We are very excited to highlight a staff member each month from our team of superb employees.

3 min read

4th Quarter of 2019—What will it take for useful action?
As we approach the Labor Day weekend and the unofficial end to summer, the 2019 calendar...

AML Conversations: Dennis Lormel - Dealing with White Supremacists

Welcome to this episode of our podcast series, AML Conversations.
In this episode, AML RightSource Vice Chairman John Byrne interviews Former FBI...

3 min read
Can you take “statements” to the bank? Risk-Focused BSA? “Showdown.”*

“Banks that operate in compliance with applicable law, properly manage customer relationships and effectively mitigate risks by implementing controls...
2 min read
AML RightSource Names Paul W. Linehan Vice Chairman, and Todd Ayers Chief Financial Officer

AML RightSource, a leading firm solely focused on Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and financial crimes compliance solutions, today...

1 min read
August Employee Spotlight: Chelsea Robbins

We are very excited to highlight a staff member each month from our team of superb employees.
AML RightSource August Employee Spotlight: meet Chelsea...

5 min read
Data Integrity (Model Validation)

It’s all about the data
Over the last 15 to 20 years, automated transaction monitoring systems have progressed from the realm of the megabanks, to...

3 min read
A Quick Look at Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Announcement

Everybody Needs Money. That’s Why They Call It Money*
On June 18th Facebook announced plans to introduce a digital wallet (named Calibra) in 2020 for...

3 min read
Overcoming common challenges when updating a risk assessment

This post is part of our occasional series on AML program fundamentals which focuses on refreshing foundational knowledge for experienced members of...

4 min read
The Cloak of Technology: Rising to the Challenges of Online Banking and E-Commerce

The last two decades have seen a virtual explosion in online financial activity. Widespread adoption of applications (apps) running on smart phones...

1 min read
July Employee Spotlight: David Green

We are very excited to highlight a staff member each month from our team of superb employees.
AML RightSource July Employee Spotlight: meet David...

2 min read
We Can Change the World*

Working together always works
While I have always believed that what we do in the AML community makes a difference, the past two years (at least)...

1 min read
AML RightSource Voices – Hot Topics Webinar

AML RightSource is launching a quarterly webinar series, "AML RightSource Voices". The first installment will be broadcast live on July 23rd, 2019...

1 min read
Banking Nonprofit Organizations—The Way Forward

Our Advisory Board member Rick Small, and AML RightSource Vice Chairman John Byrne have led a multi-year effort resulting in the “Consortium for...

Model Validation vs Tuning & Optimization Whitepaper

How do you validate your financial model performance?